The Sidewalk Funday School team is proclaiming a big “Thank you, Jesus!” for the success of the Happy Birthday Jesus Party this past Saturday, December 7th. The energy was ecstatic, and the love and presence of God was evident throughout.
This year 163 young children, 54 teenagers, and 33 parents attended the Party. This means 250 members of the Jacksonville community were able to hear the story of the birth of Jesus and experience His love through the generosity and care of SFS staff and volunteers! Twelve children were counseled with six of those asking to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior! The angels rejoice and we rejoice along with them!
On top of everyone fellowshipping over a warm meal of Chick-fil-A, each guest left with a gift and a traditional Christmas Party pillow to remember the experience. Younger children received books while teens and adults received books and/or devotionals. For the The older kids were able to enjoy time with one another while taking part in stations such as Zorb, Karaoke, Nine-square In The Air, a Photo Booth, Frozen Turkey Bowl, and an amazing Chocolate Bar! Then, they were able to enjoy a full-blown worship service complete with five-piece band! All this while, for the sixth year, FBC’s Kingdom Kidz choir blessed our kids with their annual Christmas Musical.
All in all, we were blessed to have had some 100 volunteers this year! We are so thankful for each one who decided to spend their Saturday morning showing Christ to our SFS community. In addition to recognizing First Baptist Academy (FBA) for their exhaustive help in sponsoring the teen event, we also want to recognize them and First Baptist Church (FBC), along with many others for their generous donation of gifts! Thank you FBA students for being guides and encouraging participation of our teens. Thank you to Mars Hill for delivering a full-on worship service with that wonderful band and for delivering a great message. Thank you, Kingdom Kidz for such an excellent job sharing your engaging and spiritually fruitful musical for our families. Thank you Pillows of Comfort for being a part of the gift giving for four years, now. Thank you True and Faithful for donating devotionals for our adults and teens. Thank you FBA and FBC libraries for your work in donating books to our youngest kids. Thank you Mandarin Chick Fil A for providing sandwiches.
Finally, thanks to the Jarrard Foundation for their continued financial support of our Christmas party and, in the past, providing counselors and to FBC who has provided volunteers, gifts and facilities to host this event since 2005. After over 20 years of putting on Sidewalk Funday School’s Happy Birthday Jesus Party, we are fully aware and humbled by the amount of love, time, and energy that others put forth to make this party a success for the families who attend.
As the party closes out 2019 with the kids, we are excited to look to 2020 and explore how to continue making the party a success in the coming years. We are always open to feedback and suggestions, so please do not hesitate to reach out via Sidewalk Funday School email or social media. Your input and partnership is treasured!
May each of you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
In Christ,
The Sidewalk Funday School Team