We are deeply saddened to hear this morning of the passing of a friend of Sidewalk Ministries, Michael Patterson. Michael was only 44 years old. He was the husband to Mylene and father to Lily and Logan.
We first became aware of Michael through his role as drummer for First Baptist Church. He was able to put together what I would call a percussion phenomena several years ago in one of FBC’s Christmas shows. It was memorable, as was the whole event. In fact, in our 20 plus years at FBC, that event remains my most favorite musical memory.
We have been blessed to have Lily in our lives for many years through church and school. Our daughter, Sabrina and Lily have been friends since childhood. Their relationship would be a Blessing to Sidewalk.
A few years ago, Michael put together a group of friends to come and play at our annual Christmas event. We will pat ourselves on the back here for a moment and say it was, indeed, a great idea as it was one of the most exciting and thrilling spectacles our kids get to witness and they all had an amazing time with it. It was so popular, we repeated it the next year and hoped to add it as a permanent part of our party.
We will surely miss that part of our celebrations going forward. Thank you, Michael, for your heart for music and for the Lord and for giving that talent back to Him as you served us in worship for so many years. Thank you for your gift to the kids of Sidewalk Ministries!
